
《圣经日日行》由启发课程的创办机构 – 启发国际事工出品。

在全球,每个月都有成千上万人通过“启发课程”认识耶稣,并且通过《圣经日日行》 – 这种快速、简单、可靠的方式来了解上帝的话语。正是因为有了像您这样慷慨的奉献者和支持者,我们的事工才能成就。



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The Bible - Donation Form

The Bible with Nicky and Pippa Gumbel is brought to you by Alpha International, home of Alpha

Every month, thousands of people are engaging with the word of God in a quick, simple and relatable way through The Bible with Nicky and Pippa Gumbel and are being introduced to Jesus through Alpha. Our ministries are made possible because of the generosity and friendship of people like you.

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